root canal palatine

Five Myths About Root Canal Treatment Pain

August 10, 2022
Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is a great way to save your tooth from infection. But over the years, people have associated “root canal” with painful, terrible, and worst experiences. People avoid going to the dentist due to the fear of pain, which can cause serious damage to their oral and physical health. In this blog, we will debunk the five myths surrounding root canal treatment.

Root Canal Treatment Is Painful

This is the most common misconception when it comes to root canal therapy. Pain during root canal treatment in today’s world is non-existent due to advanced technology and the work of excellent dentists. Moreover, the pain is not due to the root canal treatment; instead, you face pain because of the infection. If left untreated, this infection can spread to other parts of your body and cause serious health issues. Root canal therapy provides you with immediate relief.

Root Canal Treatment Reduces The Lifespan Of A Tooth

Another common misconception is that even with a root canal, the tooth will come out eventually. It can also prematurely break or cause loss of teeth, which is simply not true. The following steps will ensure your teeth last for long.

  • You should get your root canal therapy from a good dentist, who will help you through the process.
  • A dental crown after your root canal treatment is always recommended to provide support for your teeth.
  • Good oral hygiene includes regular dental check-ups and cleanings.
  • After the root canal treatment, if you maintain proper oral hygiene your restored tooth will last a lifetime.

The restored teeth will function just like your natural teeth, which means it’s up to you to ensure the longevity of your teeth

Root Canals Can Cause Illness

One of the myths includes that root canal treatment can make you sick. However, there’s no evidence to support that root canals can cause illness. Today’s latest technology, such as disinfectants, antibiotics, and x-rays, ensures a 100% success rate.

Tooth Extraction Is A Better Option Than Experiencing Root Canal Treatment Pain

If you extract your tooth, there are several ways to replace missing teeth, such as dentures, implants, bridges, etc. Tooth extraction can ruin your facial structure and cause your jawbone to deteriorate if you don’t get the necessary treatment. 

However, a root canal option is the best way to save your natural teeth. It is also much cheaper than replacing missing teeth. Your natural teeth are the best way to ensure you can eat and chew properly. 

If The Tooth Doesn’t Hurt, There Is No Need For A Root Canal

If you have an abscessed tooth, you will face severe toothache. However, even if you don’t have tooth pain, you will face the following symptoms

  • Sensitivity or discomfort in hot and cold temperatures
  • Severe pain while chewing or biting
  • Fever
  • Swelling in your face, cheek, or neck can cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing
  • Tender, red, swollen gums or pimples on your gums
  • Constant bad breath
  • Discolored teeth

A dentist is specially trained to make sure if the pulp has been infected or damaged. This will ensure that the dentist will take the necessary steps to save your tooth.

Root Canal Therapy In Palantine, IL

If you are facing the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to get a root canal immediately. At Palantine Dental Associates, we will examine your teeth with the help of technology such as x-rays and provide you with proper treatment to ensure, your tooth is completely restored. Moreover, we also provide CEREC crowns, so your treatment can be done within a session, and you can get your smile back instantly. Contact us or book your appointment today to restore your smile and get the best root canal treatment in Palantine, IL.