root canal therapy

How does root canal therapy treat decayed teeth?

February 6, 2023
Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a procedure that can help save your teeth from infection and other complications. The bacteria that cause tooth decay can spread to the pulp inside the tooth when it’s damaged, causing an infection. As this happens, you’ll experience pain, swelling, and other symptoms of inflammation. If left untreated, an abscess will form around the root canal which can spread to other areas of your jawbone or even into your bloodstream. Root canal therapy treats these problems by removing decayed or infected tissue from within the root of your tooth so that it can heal properly without causing further damage or spreading infections to other parts of your body.

When a tooth is decayed, it can cause pain, swelling, and infection.

When a tooth is decayed, it can cause pain, swelling, and infection.

  • Pain: Tooth decay can lead to cavities that are painful when eating or speaking.
  • Swelling: The area around your tooth may become swollen as well as tender after you eat anything hard like popcorn or ice cream.
  • Infection: Infections from decaying teeth can spread throughout the mouth and even into other areas of your body such as your jaw bone or bloodstream where they can be dangerous if left untreated.

Sometimes, a tooth will become infected due to decay or trauma.

Sometimes, a tooth will become infected due to decay or trauma. Cavities are the most common cause of infection in teeth. When the nerve inside your tooth dies from exposure to bacteria, it stops producing the antibacterial fluids that help keep your mouth healthy. Trauma can also cause an infection when it damages the pulp tissue inside your tooth, which can lead to pain, swelling and abscesses (pockets of pus).

If left untreated for too long without treatment, these infections can spread to other teeth and even get into your bloodstream–causing serious problems such as heart attacks or strokes!

A root canal is the most common treatment for a tooth exposed to decay.

If you have a tooth that has been exposed by decay, a root canal may be the treatment for you. A root canal is the most common treatment for decayed teeth. During this procedure, we will remove all of the infected material and fill your tooth with an artificial filling called gutta-percha.

A root canal is performed in two stages:

  • Cleaning out all internal surfaces of your tooth (this removes any infection)
  • Filling up holes left behind by removing infected tissue

During root canal therapy, your dentist will remove the damaged tissue from inside the tooth.

During root canal therapy, your dentist will remove the damaged tissue from inside the tooth. The infected area is cleaned and disinfected and an antibiotic called EndoFen may be used to help prevent infection.

Then, they’ll clean and disinfect the root canal with a special solution.

The special solution is used to clean and disinfect the root canal. When you have a tooth extracted, there’s nothing left but an empty space. The dentist fills this space with dental cement that can be shaped into a new crown or filling. However, if there are any bacteria in your mouth that are still alive after extraction, they could grow inside this empty space and cause infection.

The purpose of using an antibacterial cleaning solution is to kill any remaining bacteria before placing a filling or crown on top of it so you don’t get an abscess or other kinds of infections later on down the road (or even right after your procedure). It also helps prevent future problems such as decay since no food particles can get stuck between teeth anymore!

After this, most dentists use EndoFen as an antibiotic to fight any remaining bacteria.

After this, most dentists use EndoFen as an antibiotic to fight any remaining bacteria. The dental pulp is then sealed with a filling material and covered by the tooth enamel.

EndoFen is a common antibiotic used by dentists during root canal therapy. It helps prevent infection after root canal therapy because it kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease when they infect your mouth.

Root canal therapy can help you keep your teeth healthy and functional

Root canal therapy is a safe, effective way to keep your teeth healthy and functional. If you have a tooth that’s been damaged by decay, root canal therapy can restore the tooth to full function.

After root canal treatment, you can eat and chew normally without pain or discomfort. You’ll also be able to smile confidently without worrying about what others think of the state of your teeth!


If you have a tooth that needs root canal therapy, don’t hesitate. This treatment can help save your smile and keep your mouth healthy for years to come.


1. What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is a treatment that removes bacteria, decayed nerve tissue, and other debris from inside the tooth’s pulp chamber. This is done by removing the tooth’s nerve, which can cause pain and inflammation of the surrounding tissues if not treated.

2. How does root canal therapy work?

The dentist will remove the damaged part of the tooth and then fill it with a special filling material to protect your tooth from further damage. The dentist will then place a crown on top of your tooth to protect it from breaking or cracking.

3. Why do I need it?

You should get this treatment if you have pain in one or more areas of your mouth, especially if the pain begins after eating certain foods or drinking cold liquids. It’s also important to get this treatment if you have any tooth decay that affects your nerve tissue or has gone too far into your gum tissue for it to be pulled out easily without causing more damage than necessary.