root canal treatment

Dentist’s Guide To Faster Root Canal Recovery

June 18, 2021
Root Canal Therapy

Most people are afraid of root canals and avoid getting their root canal procedures.  This treatment, on the other hand, is very effective in preventing the spread of infection and guarding you against probable tooth loss. Root canal pain lasts only for a couple of days, and you will soon be able to enjoy a healthy mouth as a result of your root canal therapy. We have provided certain tips that can speed up your root canal recovery.

What Is Root Canal?

Before we get into the after-care tips, we need to understand what root canals are. The dentist will advise you to get a root canal procedure if you are suffering from an infected pulp. The procedure helps to remove your disintegrating pulp and prevent its spread. To prevent further deterioration, the affected tooth is sterilized. A patient may experience mild pain following the root canal procedure. However, this pain is temporary. With the tips mentioned below, you can go back to your normal life in no time.

Tips To Speed Up Your Root Canal Recovery

 We have listed certain tips and tricks that can help you to recover faster from your root canal.  Follow them and you can enjoy improved oral health.

Opt For Painkillers

Once the effects of your sedative have worn off, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers. It may help to alleviate your root canal pain. However, you should check with your dentist to ensure that you are eligible to take painkillers. This will help you recover faster by reducing the intensity of your pain.  Still worried about the root canal pain? Just forget about your fears and get your root canal treatment today!

Maintain An Elevated Position

Maintaining your head in an elevated position is very important during such a situation. This aids in the reduction of swelling in the affected area. For a faster root canal recovery, prop up your head with an extra pillow. However, if your swelling lasts for a longer period of time, you should see a dentist right away.

A Balanced Diet

After your root canal treatment, avoid putting any pressure on your teeth. Hence, you must be careful of what you eat while recovering. Hard and sticky foods can cause serious damage to your affected teeth. Eat nutritious meals to recover faster.

Avoid Physical Activities

It is best to avoid any physical activity for the next few days following your treatment. Avoid rushing to the gym for exercising during the recovery period. Your body requires enough rest to heal, and physical activities can hamper your root canal recovery. If you believe the infected area is still under stress, you should rush to your dental care professional.

Take Good Care Of Your Dental Health

During this time, it is critical to maintain a good oral care routine. Y our body’s immunity is reduced significantly, so you must take extra precautions. Brush with fluoride-rich toothpaste and apply minimal pressure. Don’t forget to floss and you’ll be fine.

We hope this blog has provided you with all the relevant information. Looking for the best root canal therapy in Palatine, IL? Get in touch with us at Palatine Dental Associates and get the best dental care services.