dental veneers caring tips

How to Take Care of Dental Veneers?

January 2, 2023
Cosmetic dentistry

Dental veneers are a great option if you want to improve the appearance of your teeth. They can fix chips, cracks, gaps in teeth, and discoloration, making them look brighter and more uniform. But like any dental treatment, taking care of your veneers is essential for them to last as long as possible.

To help ensure that your dental veneers remain effective for many years to come, here are tips on how to take good care of them:

Visiting Your Dentist Regularly

Schedule Routine Checkups

Having regular dentist appointments will allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your veneers and check for any potential problems. During your dentist appointments, they will also clean your veneers and make sure that they are properly aligned.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Even with veneers on your teeth, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash regularly. This will help remove plaque from around the edges of the veneers and prevent decay or discoloration over time.

Use Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

When caring for dental veneers, it is best to use non-abrasive toothpaste so as not to damage the surface of the veneers. Non-abrasive toothpaste is formulated with mild abrasives that will not scratch or damage the veneers, so make sure to read the labels of any toothpaste you buy before using it.

Avoiding Habits That Damage Veneers

Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools

Your teeth were not designed to be used as tools, and this is especially true when you have veneers on them. Using your teeth to open packages, crack nuts and other activities can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your veneers over time.

Refrain From Biting and Chewing Hard Objects

Veneers are not as strong as natural teeth, so biting down on hard objects such as ice cubes or candy can cause them to chip or crack. If you need to bite into something hard, use the side of your mouth and avoid putting too much pressure on your veneers.

Avoid Staining Your Veneers

Dental veneers are porous, just like regular teeth, which means that they can easily become stained over time. To prevent discoloration of your veneers, avoid smoking and limit your consumption of dark drinks such as coffee and tea.


Taking care of dental veneers involves more than just brushing and flossing. It is important to visit your dentist regularly, use non-abrasive toothpaste, avoid using your teeth as tools, refrain from biting and chewing hard objects, and avoid staining them. With proper care and maintenance of your dental veneers, you can rest assured that they will continue to look great for many years to come.


1. How often should I visit my dentist when I have dental veneers?

It is recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year for checkups and regular cleanings, if you have dental veneers or not.

2. Are there any foods or drinks I should avoid if I have veneers?

It is best to avoid foods and drinks that are known to stain teeth, such as coffee, tea and red wine.

3. Can I still use mouthwash if I have veneers?

Yes, you can still use mouthwash when you have veneers. In fact, it is recommended as an additional step in maintaining good oral hygiene. Make sure to choose a gentle mouthwash that does not contain any harsh chemicals or abrasives.