CEREC Crowns

CEREC Crowns For Restoring Dental Implants

April 17, 2023
CEREC Crowns

Are you tired of waiting weeks for a dental crown to be made and fitted? Look no further than CEREC technology! This revolutionary system allows dentists to create custom crowns in just one visit, saving patients time and hassle. But what exactly is CEREC and how does it work?

What is CEREC Crown?

CEREC, short for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is a dental technology that allows dentists to create custom dental crowns on-site. This means that patients no longer need to wait weeks or even months for their crown to be made and fitted.

The CEREC system uses CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) technology to create 3D images of the patient’s teeth. This information is then used by the machine to mill a ceramic block into the desired shape of the crown.

CEREC has revolutionized restorative dentistry by allowing dentists to provide same-day treatment with minimal discomfort or inconvenience for patients. The system also ensures greater accuracy in fitting and reduces the risk of infection associated with traditional crown procedures.

What Are The Benefits Of Using CEREC?

CEREC is a revolutionary dental technology that has numerous benefits over traditional dental crowns. With CEREC, patients can enjoy the convenience of same-day crown placement and fewer visits to the dentist’s office.

One of the main benefits of using CEREC is that it eliminates the need for messy impressions. Instead, digital images are taken of your teeth and used to create a custom-fit crown in just one visit.

CEREC also uses high-quality ceramic materials that closely mimic natural tooth enamel. This means your new crown will not only look like your natural teeth but also function like them too.

Another benefit of using CEREC is that it allows for greater precision in creating dental restorations. The computer-aided design and manufacturing process ensures accuracy down to the micron level, resulting in a better fit and longer-lasting restoration.

CEREC crowns can be placed on the same day as your initial appointment, you won’t have to worry about temporary crowns or waiting weeks for lab work to be completed. These advantages make CEREC an excellent choice for anyone looking to restore their smile with minimal hassle and maximum results.

Which Patients Should Consider CEREC Treatment?

CEREC treatment is a popular option for restoring dental implants, but not all patients may be suitable candidates. Those who have had previous complications with implant restorations or are prone to tooth decay may want to consider CEREC as an alternative solution.

Patients who require immediate restoration of their teeth due to time constraints or other factors can also benefit from CEREC treatment. With the ability to create and place crowns in just one visit, patients can save both time and money compared to traditional methods that require multiple appointments.

Another group that should consider CEREC treatment are those who experience anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. The quick turnaround time means less time spent in the dental chair, reducing stress and discomfort associated with longer procedures.

Patients looking for highly personalized results may opt for CEREC treatment over traditional methods. With digital technology allowing precise measurements and customization of each crown, individuals can expect a perfect fit and natural-looking restoration.

It’s important to consult with your dentist before deciding on any dental procedure including CEREC treatment. Only they can advise if it’s right for your specific situation and needs.

The Bottom Line

CEREC technology is a game-changer in the field of dental restoration. With its ability to create crowns that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing, CEREC has become an increasingly popular option for patients who want to restore their implants quickly and efficiently. Moreover, it offers numerous benefits over traditional crown-restoration techniques.

Therefore if you’re considering restoring your dental implants using CEREC technology, be sure to consult with an experienced dentist who can guide you through every step of the process. You’ll be impressed by how easy and convenient it really is!