Benefits of same-day crowns.

Benefits of Getting Same-Day Crowns

July 29, 2022
CEREC Crowns

Do you have damaged teeth and need dental crowns without the lengthy procedure of getting them? What if we said you could conveniently avoid the entire process of getting traditional crowns by getting a same-day crown near me? You can have your oral health restored in a couple of hours at the dental office. We bet you are amazed by the details. We have prepared to surprise you more by giving compelling reasons why you must get same-day dental crowns to restore your teeth. 

Advantages of Same-Day Crowns

Minimally Intrusive

In the past, patients had to bite down on goopy mud to get impressions of their teeth. Not only was this awkward for patients, but it often began the gag reflex. Today, we use a camera wand to take clear pictures inside your mouths. Digital dental images are perfect for patients with a high gag reflex.

We take a conventional approach to dental care, keeping as much natural tooth structure as possible. If a cavity is too big to be repaired with a filling, we’ll suggest a dental crown at our dental office in Palatine instead.

Highly Accurate

We use digital 3-D dental digital impressions to take accurate pictures of a patient’s teeth and gums. With these details, we can create a tooth crown that looks and feels realistic. Your same-day crown will fit better since we’re establishing the design on highly accurate scans.

Less Time in the Dentist’s Chair

We use CEREC to place your dental crown in just one dental visit. It is made possible by the CAD/CAM software on our computers that let our dentists design your new tooth crown in front of your eyes. Once our dentists are prepared with the design, they’ll send it to the milling machine in our dental office. The milling machine is accountable for creating your tooth restoration from a block of ceramic or other tooth-colored material. We offer different shades of material to match your same-day dental crown to the rest of your teeth.

We know that our patients have busy lives, and that’s why we’re always looking for technology that shortens treatment time. Rather than waiting weeks for a new dental crown to arrive, you could be done in one appointment.

No Temporary Crown

Before CEREC arrived, the dentist had to send the impressions to an off-site lab which would take a few weeks for the lab to construct your dental crown, we would put a temporary tooth cover for some time. The temporary crown was often discomfiting, which is why many patients are happy we embraced CEREC. Since your dental crown gets made in one visit, there is no need to put a temporary cover over your tooth.


A CEREC crown can last up to 15 years, as long as you preserve good oral health. It means that you’ll have to continue brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once daily. If we find a lot of plaque and tartar during your next teeth cleaning appointment with us, we may suggest adding fluoride toothpaste & good mouthwash to your routine.

Get Same-Day Dental Crown In Palatine

If you have had a filling, broken, fractured, cracked teeth, or a root canal, you need a crown to cover up your teeth, so why not get it done in just one visit to the cosmetic dentist in Palatine? Contact our dental office today to schedule your appointment now.